Integrating DEVONThink with Elephas

Link your DEVONThink on Mac with Elephas to use the power of AI

Steps to integrate DEVONThink Database, Step 1: Choose database

Choose the database that you want to add to Elephas.

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Step 2: Properties

Choose the Database properties. This will show you the save path of the database.

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Step 3: Path

Select Database properties. A pop-up will appear. This pop-up will help you find the path of the saved database. Choose the folder where the database is located.

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Step 4: Content

Now we can see the database file with the .dtBase2 extension. Click on "Show Package Contents." Then, navigate inside it.

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Step 5: No index folder

Inside that folder, you will find the Files.noindex folder.

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Step 6: Copy the path of the folder

Right-click on the folder that contains the "Files.noindex" folder.

  • Select "Get Info" from the context menu.
    • Notion image
  • In the Info window, you’ll find the folder's path, which you can easily copy.
    • Notion image

Step 7: Integrating DevonThink

  • Open Elephas, go to the Brain tab, click on the Integrations menu, and then select Connect for the Devonthink Integration.
    • Notion image
  • Next, simply paste the copied URL into the designated area or text field, and then click save to complete the integration.
    • Notion image

Step 8: Explore Contents

  • You can also check out the contents by clicking on the manage option in the Notion integrations!
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Elephas does not support .tsv files yet. It will be supported in a future release.

Auto synchronizing changes from DevonThink to Elephas

If you want the changes from DevonThink to be automatically synchronized with Elephas brain, you can enable “Auto-Sync”, which detects the changes in the DevonThink database and intelligently updates the brain.

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