10.x version
10.x release notes
10.x version brings a lot of useful features,
- CSV, JSON and 10 more file format support (such as .php, .python, .ini, .yaml and so on)
- Local embeddings support - Technically you can use Elephas 100% offline
- Chat Export - Export results to PDF, MD, Keynote, and TXT
- Incremental brain updates (indexes only the changed part of the document)
- Chat delete and token adjustments
- Faster app boot and smaller app size (66% of size reduced)
- Super Command - Ask questions against webpages, and emails
- Elephas always on dock icon - Opens chat window on click. Can be disabled from Preferences โ General
- Super Command replaces floating menu for consistency
- Better AI models update flow - new models will be available without having to install new version of Elephas
- Bug fixes
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