Using the rewrite feature

Elephas Rewrite Modes

Introduction to Elephas rewrite modes and hot keys -


Elephas Rewrite Modes

Elephas has 5 modes for rewriting. Let's start from the bottom -

The essence of writing well is rewriting. William Zinsser says:

Writing is hard work. A clear sentence is no accident. Very few sentences come out right the first time. Or the third. Keep thinking and rewriting until you say what you want to say.

Zinsser mode

It follows the principles of William Zinsser, based on his book "On Writing Well.” It has sold over 1.5 million copies.

  • Short sentences
  • Clear verbs
  • No jargon
  • Active voice
One of the users mentioned that this feature itself is worth more than $4/month.
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Select the text you want to rewrite, and click Elephas→Rewriter→Zinsser mode.

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Rewrites the sentence in a friendly tone. Check out this example GIF,

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Rewrites the sentence in a professional tone. You can even just have bullet points and let it expand to a professional email.

Meeting happened. New sales pipeline to be prepared Close the old deals

This will be expanded to professional content. You can use it for an email or a document.

Example output:

The meeting was successful, and we have decided to create a new sales pipeline. We need to close the old deals as soon as possible.

Viral mode

Check out this doc.

Persuasive mode

Check out this doc

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