Using the fastest inference system Groq with Elephas

Groq AI provides fastest inference models, i.e responses are generated at a faster speed. They have some of the popular AI models hosted, including,

  • Llama 3 70B
  • Llama 3 7B
  • Mixtral 8x 8B
  • Gemma 7B

Here is the pricing info,

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$.59 for Llama 3 70B, one of the powerful open source models. Here are the details from Meta’s launch page

Llama 3 provided better response for English content than GPT-3.5 Turbo model in some tests.

Creating an API key with Groq


Visit and create your new account.

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then visit to set up a new key.

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Then you can fill that API key under Elephas → Preferences → AI Providers, select “Groq”, enter the API key you just created.

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Then you can use the models provided by Groq AI in Chat Settings and Cost & Accuracy parts underPreferences → General

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