Loading data from other tools for Super Brain

Elephas Super Brain - How it works

How to load your own data in Elephas Super Brain

You can load data from the following tools,

  • Notion
  • Obsidian
  • Roam
  • LogSeq
  • UpNote
  • Bear
  • Simplenote

or any note taking tools that stores data locally, in a readable format (say Markdown or TXT).


Export your dataset from Notion. You can do this by clicking on the three dots in the upper right hand corner and then clicking Export.

Format has to be “Markdown & CSV

Notion image

For more informaiton, check out the following post -


Obsidian stores data on disk as a folder. Just choose the path to the respective folder.


Select the vault and choose “Reveal in Finder” to find the folder you need.

Notion image

For more informaiton, check out the following post -


Export your dataset from Roam Research. You can do this by clicking on the three dots in the upper right hand corner and then clicking Export.

When exporting, make sure to select the Markdown & CSV format option.

This will produce a .zip file in your Downloads folder. Extract it and then load it with Elephas.

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