How to create OpenAI keys?

Getting API keys


Open AI Account creation

To use OpenAI through API, you must create a free account and generate keys. Fortunately, it is pretty straightforward.

1. Sign up here You can use your Google or Microsoft account to sign up if you don't want to create using an email/password combination.   You may need a valid mobile number to verify your account.

2. Now, visit your OpenAI key page

3. Create a new key by clicking the "Create new secret key" button. See the image for reference.

That's all. You can use this key in your applications.

Do note that you will be charged based on your monthly usage. The cost structure is, for 1000 words (aka tokens), $0.02 if you use the most advanced model.

Setting limits

If you plan to use it regularly, you need to add your credit card information here

You can also set up a usage limit, say, $10/month at

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